Join Tourism Swansea Bay
Please select category from drop down list below and click "Pay Now" to proceed to secure payment via Paypal.
Please note - if you do not have a Paypal account you can simply check out as a guest and pay by credit / debit card.
Cost to Join
Hotel, GH, B&B, SC 1 - 10 Units | £100.00 |
Hotel, GH, B&B, SC 11+ Units | £150.00 |
Caravan / Campsite | £150.00 |
Activity Provider | £100.00 |
Event or Visitor Attraction < 30,000 visitors | £100.00 |
Event or Visitor Attraction > 30,000 visitors | £150.00 |
Pub / Bar / Restaurant / Cafe | £100.00 |
Shop / Arts & Craft / Food & Drink Producer | £100.00 |
Supplier Member (providing a service to the tourism trade e.g cleaner, web-designer, marketing | £100.00 |
Associate / Non-profit / Charity | £50.00 |