Salt & Light Retreat


Rose Fisher

Salt & Light Retreat is a home for healing. Offering day, evening and weekend retreats, the goals of S&LR are to offer a warm embrace to those who need it. Community is at the heart of the business, with yoga forming the foundations, and a good dose of nature thrown in for good measure. Here to help you not only fill up your cup, but allow it to overflow and pour out to others.

Telephone: 07884 335345


Email: [email protected]

My name is Rose, and I'm the founder of Salt & Light Retreat. My big dream is to offer various wellbeing services and a safe space to retreat to, in order to help others live healthier, happier lives - and to make those services and space accessible to all. ​

I have had the dream of running a retreat centre since my teens; before I even began practicing yoga I knew that I wanted to help people to be happy. I studied psychology at university, and left with a thirst for more understanding about mental health and environmental issues, as well as a fascination with the positive impact of nature on our physical health as well as our wellbeing. After returning from travelling in Southeast Asia, I began attending yoga classes as a way to prevent running injuries and gain a sense of calm. I soon realised that it would be a key element in my big dream. In 2016 I trained to become a yoga instructor, and have been teaching regular classes ever since. It is magic being able to help people find peace in a small part of their day or week, but I have always felt that I am destined to offer more. I began running day retreats in September 2017, and Salt & Light Retreat was born. ​

Salt & Light Retreat is all about sharing simple ways to help improve daily life - from yoga, to healthy eating and self enquiry. It is so much more than just taking time out to forget about your worries; it's about giving you the tools to face those struggles when they do arise, and power through them as a peaceful warrior. These events are more than just allowing you to fill up your cup; I want you to leave feeling that your cup is overflowing, so that you can pour it out to others.​

In the first year of running, we've​ enjoyed a wide variety of events, from the nurturing women's evening retreats, to the fun-packed stand up paddle board and yoga day, as well as the memorable summer solstice sunrise event. I'm amazed at how many people have taken part in these events and I am so grateful to each individual who decides that they deserve some self care, and has chosen to attend - you are all helping this acorn of a dream grow into a big oak tree. Furthermore, by attending events you've enabled other people who would not necessarily be able to access such services otherwise, enjoy them. Each event now offers a gifted space, and we've been able to offer free afternoon retreats to Swansea Carer's service users, with plans of providing more. ​

Looking ahead, Salt & Light Retreat hopes to reach more people who desperately need space for self care, and tools to manage daily stressors. I will soon be a qualified counsellor, and this service will become available for those who'd benefit from talking therapy. In time, the business will acquire land, where a natural, sustainable retreat centre will be built; offering all of these facilities, as well as a community-hub, for all, in one special place.​

If you'd like to support the progress of this socially-focused business, please get in touch.


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